After suffering for decades from the oppression of captivity and detention in the prisons of Israel occupation , after the inability of the world to put an end to this suffering , the Palestinian prisoners found that only hunger may draw world attention to their plight, more than 1,500 prisoners decided on hunger strike to achieve their demands, It is strange that these demands approved by all human rights organizations which are the natural rights of self-evident that provided in prisons all over the world, and improve conditions of detention and humane treatment in prisons .
Perhaps few people who knows that more than 10,000 prisoners are languishing now in Israeli jails in deplorable conditions and very, and some of them spent more than 20 years and possibly more in prison without a fair trial at least because of one reason , demanding freedom and an end of the the occupation that lasted more than 40 years .
Perhaps few people who knows that more than 10,000 prisoners are languishing now in Israeli jails in deplorable conditions and very, and some of them spent more than 20 years and possibly more in prison without a fair trial at least because of one reason , demanding freedom and an end of the the occupation that lasted more than 40 years .
The human rights organizations demanded the Israeli occupations to put an end of non-humanitarian practices carried out against Palestinians under occupation, but as everyone knows, the decisions of these organizations do not have the force and implementation and remain a dead letter, because of no political decision supportive ,The fact that dozens of decisions issued by the UN did not find its way to implementation because of the intransigence of the Israeli side, including the resolutions of the Security Council to end Israeli occupation.
Therefore, perhaps the Palestinian prisoners have found that starvation and slow death may move the rest of the conscience of the this world , unfortunately, Idoubt it.
Therefore, perhaps the Palestinian prisoners have found that starvation and slow death may move the rest of the conscience of the this world , unfortunately, Idoubt it.